Building Smarter Cities:
AI’s Key to Fixing America and Helping the World

MIT Forge the Future 2024

Many American cities are struggling with outdated systems, relying on paper records and retiring employees' memories for crucial urban development decisions. This creates inefficiencies and knowledge gaps that frustrate citizens and businesses. The solution lies in using artificial intelligence to modernize city governance. AI can digitize and analyze vast amounts of city records, zoning laws, and historical data, not just making information searchable, but also creating predictive risk models. These models can anticipate potential issues in urban planning, from water quality problems to zoning conflicts, before they occur. By transforming old records and institutional knowledge into intelligent, forward-looking systems, cities can make data-driven decisions, preserve critical information, and learn from global urban experiences. This AI-driven approach aims to revolutionize urban planning, potentially addressing housing crises, improving sustainability, and fostering smarter city development.


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